Featured Photographer - Heather Scott
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This month, we are thrilled to feature Point Pleasant, NJ's Photographer—
Heather Scott
Heather Scott Photography
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Let’s get to know our Featured Artist, Heather Scott!
What is some advice you’d give to someone just starting out?
Be patient and gentle with yourself. The skills and the clients don’t appear overnight and the process to get both can be confusing and messy at times but also so rewarding when you look back at your progress. In other words, if someone makes it seem like it was easy, they’re not being honest. Invest in yourself with good, high quality education learning artists that you love and admire (Hello Little Ed group is 10000% worth it!) and build your gear and prop collection slowly and with purpose.
What genres are your focus?
My business focus is on maternity through first year milestones. My most booked sessions are newborn (my fave!) and first birthday sessions, but I also do quite a few maternity and sitter/milestone sessions as well. I also do family sessions, but as my other sessions have increased, those have become fewer and farther between.
What do clients comment on most about your business/studio?
Clients comment all the time about the level of patience and calm we (my assistant and I) have in the studio even when the baby is difficult. They also are often awed by the prop storage and all the options I have in there.
If you could only do one pose with every baby until the end of time, which would you choose?
Probably bucket pose because I find that I get the most creative with those set ups. I love a good bum up, too, so it may be a tie!
What’s your biggest challenge in this business? How have you worked to solve it?
My biggest challenge has been the business side of photography. I’ve never been a numbers person and figuring out how to do the business-y stuff was (and still is) hard for me. I have found that getting a team to help you in areas where you don’t have the knowledge is key. You don’t have to do it all yourself. Get an accountant to help, hire someone for SEO, etc.
What’s the number one marketing tip you could give?
Make sure you have a website and that you have someone knowledgeable to help you with your SEO. It made such a huge difference in finding the right clients!
What’s the craziest session request you've received?
I think the craziest ones are usually requests to put the baby on or in non-prop items (motorcycle, helmets, etc). The most unique was probably a Milwaukee Tool bag. We wound up putting an HLP bucket inside the tool bag and it worked like a charm!
What’s the longest client you’ve had?
My longest client relationship is about 5 years (and going!). I did newborn sessions for 2 out of the 3 girls and milestone sessions for all 3 as well family sessions in between.
Where do you see yourself / business in 10 years?
Right now my goal and the goal for our family is to move to a home where I can have a large studio attached or on property (I’m currently in a small space about 20 min away from our home). I really hope that by then, that goal is far in the rear view and the business is well established at that location and I’m thinking about slowing down and taking fewer clients at a higher price point. At that point I may also be narrowing focus down even more to solely newborns.
What is your session uniform?
Black leggings and a long tee or tank always.
What’s something you wish you were better at?
Keeping my sessions shorter and keeping my studio more organized! I’m a perfectionist and also an over-achiever and probably try to do too much during each session. Also, my studio constantly feels like it needs an organizational overhaul because I have SO much in my prop closet.
Heather, we're so happy to have you as part of our HLP Family!
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Speed Round. Ready, set, go!
Lightroom or ACR?
Make-up during a session?
IPS or all-inclusive?
Instagram or facebook?
Wacom or mouse?
Laptop or desktop?
Solo or with assistant?
Home studio, travel, or commercial space?
Commercial Space (for now!)
Perfect studio temp?
Canon, Nikon, Sony or something else?
50mm, 35mm or something else?
Favorite aperture?
Best selling pose?
Heather! Thanks for letting us into your photo-world. You make HLP's products look GOOD!
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Everyone's submissions continue to impress us with the creativity and uniqueness you bring to our products. Remember, if you would like to submit your image(s) please check out this page for all the details!