Featured Photographers
We want to feature YOU. Our customers! We're going to feature one photographer at a time at a surprise cadence (aka when we tried to do this every single Friday, it became Failure Friday instead of Feature Friday).
There are a couple of simple rules in order for your images to be considered for our feature:
- Your submitted images must come in jpeg form and must be smaller than 1MB.
- The image files must be named with the item/s used and your business name (for example, "giggy brandy bonnet-hello little studios.jpg").
- If the HLP item is invisible (such as a shape shifter), we will not consider it for this particular feature.
- If you want your ig or website linked (which you should!) make sure you include that information in your email in the following format:
Your Name
That's it! You can submit as many images as you'd like each week. And just because an image wasn't picked one week, it may be picked in the future so don't fret. Just keep checking back!
Why should you do this?
- Fortune and fame, obviously.
- Okay, maybe none of that, but you can tell your family and friends that your image was selected, get backlinks which your SEO will love, get your work out in front of more people, and of course post on your page/website that your images were selected letting your clients know that you're legit.
What kind of imagery should you submit?
- We're going to be looking for attention to detail with lighting, posing, editing, styling, etc.
- We're going to be looking for creativity.
- We're NOT ONLY going to select newborn portraits - if your image of a non-newborn uses something from our shop, submit it!
- We're going to be looking for overall beautiful images. That's it!
Send your submissions to feature@hellolittleprops.com. We look forward to seeing and sharing your work!