Feature Friday - February 11, 2022
Pssttt! If you want to have a chance to be featured, please check out this page for all the details and get your images submitted.
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Today, we're featuring a talented Newborn Photographer + HLP Fanatic based out of Perrysburg, Ohio and services the surrounding Northwest Ohio and Southeast Michigan areas. Introducing...
Carrie McCaughtry
Carrie McCaughtry Photography
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We asked Carrie a handful of photography-related questions, and here's what she said—
What genres are your focus?
Newborns—with a smidge of 1st year and family in the mix.
What’s the most embarrassing thing that’s ever happened to you during a session?
There are far far too many to narrow it down to just one! I am an embarrassing human. (Us too, Carrie, us too...)
What is some advice you’d give to someone just starting out?
Invest in your business straight away! Invest in education and quality props. I wasted so much time and money trying to DIY things in the beginning when I should have just purchased from the pros.
What do clients comment on most about your business/studio?
Even though I am not a super big fan of being a traveling photographer (so. much. extra. work.) — almost every client comments on how they love that I come to them.
What’s the one pose you fear most?
Womb pose. I literally have only tried it maybe three times tops.
What is something you regularly screw up in a session?
I tend to move quickly— which sometimes means I miss small details. I constantly have to tell myself to slow down and look at the tiny things during sessions.
What’s the craziest session request you've received?
I had a dad build a lego set up for his baby — basically a big lego box with the baby’s name spelled out in legos. They, of course, wanted me to stick their baby in it. THEN when they had their second child, we had to recreate this for baby number two. While I was skeptical, it turned out pretty cool! I know it was really meaningful to the dad (he’s a huge lego collector) so that made it even more important for me to get it right.
What’s your biggest challenge in this business? How have you worked to solve it?
My current biggest challenge is rebuilding my business after a cross country move. I haven’t had the best luck getting the steady client flow I had before. I am horrible when it comes to promoting myself and my business — so I am working on improving marketing and looking to hire someone for SEO very soon. (I should also probably hire a person to market for me!!)
What’s your go-to baby soothing technique?
I am a weird hummer—there’s just something about a semi-loud monotone hum that seems to calm babies. I used to think it was the weirdest thing in the world until I tried it!
What’s the one thing you can’t do a session without?
I'm fairly positive I wouldn’t be able to pose anymore without my shape shifter set. Really, those bad boys were a game changer for me. So… I’d say the shifters and probably my space heater. When I travel, the house is NEVER warm enough!
What is your session uniform?
My Baby Tamer T shirt and some Under Armor workout pants… I will never ever wear “traditional” work clothes again!
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Ok. Now, rapid fire—
Lightroom or ACR?
Make-up during a session?
IPS or all-inclusive?
Instagram or Facebook?
Facebook… I’m so old
Wacom or mouse?
Laptop or desktop?
Solo or with assistant?
Home studio, travel, or commercial space?
Perfect studio temp?
Canon, Nikon, Sony or something else?
50mm, 35mm or something else?
Favorite aperture?
Best selling pose?
...and you, Carrie, make our props look SO GOOD! Thank you for letting us into your world! We adore your work!
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Everyone's submissions continue to impress us with the creativity and uniqueness you bring to our products. Remember, if you would like to submit your image(s) please check out this page for all the details!