When we started HLP, we figured it would be a little side hustle that would live in our basement until the end of time. Of course our basement wasn’t big enough after all, so we moved to a 1000 square foot office building. We designated one 10x10 office for our personal prop collection, one 10x10 office for all things HLP, and the rest was studio space.
We were sure our moving days were over for a bit, but HLP was bound and determined to grow. And as fun as it was to haul hundreds of rolls of fabric up a flight of stairs and worry that the weight of it all was going to make the floors buckle, we knew we had to find a new space. We had another huge shipment of fabric rolls en route to us with literally nowhere to put them and no plan. We had to figure it out.
We were thiiiiiis close to signing a lease on a building too far from our house and too expensive and too ugly...but available. The only reason we didn’t sign is because there was a delay on the seller’s side. During that 2 day delay, we saw a moving sign on an old auto parts store that was the perfect size, perfect location and with the perfect amount of potential. We contacted our agents and they happened to know the seller, so we were able to put an offer on it before the sign even went up.
We spent the next year dealing with the most ridiculous contractor ever and doing a renovation that should have taken a couple of months, but dragged on forever and ever. We had a space, though, and again, we figured we’d be here until the end of time.
HLP is a goldfish, though. If there’s space, we’re going to fill it.
We’ve been looking for more square feet for well over a year now and just haven’t found the right property to invest in. Everything was too big, too small, too expensive, too far away, etc., etc. We’re not afraid to take something horrific and turn it into something gorgeous, but we just never landed on the right place.
Last week we found IT. It’s the one.
History tells me things could fall apart at any moment and it might not actually be “the one,” but Erin and I are beyond hopeful and doing everything we can to make it happen. It would mean expanding our operations onto a 10 acre property with 25,000 square feet to play with. It would take at least a few years for the goldfish to bust out of that place.
There’s so much that needs to happen in the coming days to make this a reality. We’re not going to share the nitty gritty details (and more pictures, not just a rendering!) until it’s more of a done deal, but we hope y’all will come along on this journey with us if we get to the next phase with this property.
As always, thank you for supporting this business of ours. We will keep doing our part to offer you the best of the best, and help you goldfish the hell out of your business however we can.
-Theresa (& Erin)